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Ozarks Amphitheater

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Ozarks Amphitheater, recently named the “Best Live Music Venue in Missouri”, is located  in the heart of the beautiful Lake of the Ozarks.  The amphitheater has recently hosted such well-known headline acts as Alabama, Dwight Yoakam and Jamie Johnson, with more great coming attractions. A concert under the stars at Ozarks Amphitheater is  a great addition to a long summer weekend at the lake.

Best Photo Spot - Information

Be a "Dummy"

The Ozarks Amphitheater has a few special staff members that can't walk, talk, or chew gum. Search them out and create your own picture story!


Stage Selfie

A selfie with your "artist" in the background is priceless. The Ozarks Amphitheater maintains a reputation of being a safe, comfortable venue. Be respectful, be quick, and stop near the sound station in the center of the venue, *did I mention be quick? Snap a selfie, being sure to include the Ozarks Amphitheater sign in the background. Be quick, be respectful, and be nice.


Refreshment Selfie

Special events - special music - special people - special memories. Toast your friends with your favorite beverage making sure to capture those special memories. 


Sundown Selfie

Some of the most beautiful sunsets can be witnessed while enjoying your favorite artists music! Walk to the top of the Amphitheater steps, all the way to the grass, face away from the stage, and selfie away! Capture the memory - location and beautiful sunset all at the same time. 

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